Privacy Policy

    By using PanicBNC you understand we log IPs, email addresses and other sensitive information. This can be stored for any amount of time depending on circumstances.

    All IP addresses are in public view of all staff members and are used only when needed.

    You understand email addresses are used to identify you and to protect you from identity theft and unauthorized modifications to your account(s).

    PanicBNC will never pass on any sensitive information to any third parties. It will always remain in our care.

    Website Information is logged, including IP addresses, useragents and any typical data collected by websites.

    This data remains in reach of only web server administrators and is never shared with any third parties.

    You understand that your hostname information (encrypted hostname) is viewable to the public when on our IRC channels.

    You also understand that the privacy policy of the IRC network used also applies. The IRC network is known as another party.

    Passwords are encrypted in MD5 or SHA depending on circumstances.

    You understand the hashes are viewable by anyone with access to the server. You understand only we (Staff/Server admins) will be able to view the password hashes.

Last Updated: 11/21/14 09:50


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